From the popular anime series, Dragon Ball Z, comes Bardock. He is a low-class Saiyan mercenary who leads a small platoon comprised of four other Saiyan soldiers and the father of Son Goku. He is an adept fighter and a devoted Saiyan Army soldier under Friezas Force until he realizes that Frieza plans the annihilation of the Saiyan race.
- Official Product By Banpresto / Little Buddy
- Cute and Collectible
- Makes a great gift
- Limited Availability
Product Details:
- Product Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 3 inches
- Item Weight: 1.1 pounds
- Item model number: 15998
- Manufacturer recommended age: 13 - 15 years
- Release date: May 12, 2020
- Mfg Recommended age: 13 - 15 years
- Manufacturer: Banpresto